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The Louisbourg lighthouse is located at the entrance of the harbour. It is perched on a volcanically formed outcrop of rock. Nearby are the ruins of the 18th-century French lighthouse and a 19th century lighthouse. From the lighthouse there are excellent vistas along the coastline, out into the Atlantic ocean and across the harbour to the Fortress.


Unknown said...

Really amazing sharing! Your shared information is very helpful for those who want to visit Louisbourg lighthouse. After reading your post I also decided to visit this place in coming month after my new york to niagara falls. I think it is a nice historic place to visit. I am history lover and visited a lot of historical sights around the world.

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Louisbourg Town
The community of Louisbourg with a population of 1265 is located on the southeast coast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. It is easily accessible by road and air. Louisbourg's major attraction is the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. It has a facinating history and the site of 2 of Canada's major Battles,Friendly folk and Beautiful scenery raging surf and sandy beaches also await you in Louisbourg.
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