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The Louisbourg Playhouse is located in the centre of town. It began life as 17th century "bear pit" on the set of the Walt Disney movie Squanto: A Warrior's Tale. A number of conveniences have been added by the Playhouse Society but the interior still retains the rustic and rough hewn character of the original. Throughout the summer and fall the Playhouse features a variety of entertainments at 8PM each evening.


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Louisbourg Town
The community of Louisbourg with a population of 1265 is located on the southeast coast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. It is easily accessible by road and air. Louisbourg's major attraction is the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. It has a facinating history and the site of 2 of Canada's major Battles,Friendly folk and Beautiful scenery raging surf and sandy beaches also await you in Louisbourg.
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